Blockchain as a Service | @ExpoDX #FinTech #Blockchain #IoT #IIoT #Bitcoin #Ethereum #SmartCities

Original Source    2018-04-05 09:04

The cloud wars rage on. The room is full of 800lb gorillas that have been battling over market share and supremacy for several years now. You know who the key players are – Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM – all still standing.  Three year ago, Gartner described the market as ‘still evolving and maturing‘.  However, last year, they described the market as ‘in a state of upheaval’ with many providers shifting their strategies as they struggle to obtain market share.

Pricing battles have always been ongoing in the cloud wars. Surprisingly, in one sense, the pricing battles have made pricing a smaller consideration in the decision-making process. While there will be no abatement in that battle, vendors are searching for other ways to impact the decision-making process, such as by adding new features and capabilities. These include a variety of platform and software as a service (PaaS/SaaS) offerings which can be very attractive to organizations looking to explore new technologies without having to make a significant capital investment and purchase.

Enter the blockchain – the latest technology disruption
It seems lately you can’t have a discussion around new and disruptive technologies without the word blockchain entering the conversation. Blockchain technology at its basic is a distributed ledger. In an earlier post, I discussed that while blockchain has close association with bitcoin, it is also being looked at for a variety of situations well beyond digital currencies.

Hype around blockchain is definitely high. There was a recent article that even suggested blockchain could cleanup American politics. While I have my doubts about that, there is no question blockchain has the potential as a disruptive technology to impact many businesses in a positive fashion. How to research and investigate the usage of the technology to a deep enough level in a cost-effective fashion has become the challenge for many businesses.

Could the cloud come to the rescue?
Setting up an environment to test and research blockchain is not trivial undertaking. Blockchain is a distributed, peerto-peer technology. It requires an ecosystem with multiple systems in order to be able to develop, research, and test. I recently wrote about the benefits of leveraging the public cloud for test environments. One of the big benefits is the ability to stand up, deploy, test, and break down environments. No large hardware investments are needed, nor any capital investment. The cost involved is only during the time the environments are up and being used.

From a cost perspective, this is a definite plus. We still have the complexity of setting up and configuring the blockchain ecosystem. This is where the concept of offering Blockchain As A Service (BaaS) can provide added value. Imagine if your cloud provider not only could provide you the necessary flexible infrastructure to investigate blockchain, but in addition, they could offer you a full blockchain ecosystem to start working worth.

Blockchain as a Service  (BaaS) – Ask and ye shall receive
Many of the leaders in the cloud space have seen the potential benefits of offering Blockchain As A Service (BaaS) to their customers and have started providing some level of BaaS capabilities.

  • Microsoft(Azure) – In November of last year, Microsoft fired the first shot. They announced a partnership with ConsenSys to provide the Ethereum Blockchain as a Service (EBaaS) in their Azure environment. Offering the service will allow “customers and partners to play, learn, and fail fast at a low cost in a ready-made dev/test/production environment” according to Marley Gray, a director in Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise organization. In April, Microsoft also announced partnering with the R3 Consortium of 43 banks to help spur distributed ledger among the R3 members.
  • IBM(BlueMix) – In February of this year, IBM announced they would be offering Blockchain as a Service using the Hyperledger blockchain. The release stated, “Using IBM’s new blockchain services available on Bluemix, developers can access fully integrated DevOps tools for creating, deploying, running and monitoring blockchain applications on the IBM Cloud.”
  • Amazon (AWS) – In May of this year, Amazon announced a collaboration with the Digital Currency Group, one of the largest investors in blockchain firms. The agreement will provide Blockchain As A Service to members of DCG’s portfolio so they “can work in a secure environment with clients who include financial institutions, insurance companies and enterprise technology companies.”

Another weapon in the arsenal
In the rapidly changing landscape of the cloud wars, no single technology or offering will be the silver bullet to winning the battle. Not every business looking to move to the cloud necessarily will have a need or interest in blockchain. That being said, for those businesses that are considering blockchain, having BaaS as an offering will be a checkbox when evaluating different vendors. The announcements by Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon over the last 8 months demonstrate the vendors see it as a benefit to have the offering available in their portfolio. As interest in blockchain continues, and we move past the hype into the reality of actual implementations, it could become an even more powerful weapon in the every escalating and changing cloud wars marketplace.  There is a common phrase, often attributed as a Chinese proverb//curse, ‘May you live in interesting times.’ Blockchain and the cloud wars will definitely keep things interesting for some time to come.

DXWorldEXPO LLC, the producer of the world’s most influential technology conferences and trade shows has announced the conference tracks for CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO 2018 New York.

DXWordEXPO New York 2018, colocated with CloudEXPO New York 2018 will be held November 11-13, 2018, in New York City.

Digital Transformation (DX) is a major focus with the introduction of DXWorldEXPO within the program. Successful transformation requires a laser focus on being data-driven and on using all the tools available that enable transformation if they plan to survive over the long term.

A total of 88% of Fortune 500 companies from a generation ago are now out of business. Only 12% still survive. Similar percentages are found throughout enterprises of all sizes.

Register for Full ConferenceGold Pass” ▸ Here (Expo Hall ▸ Here)

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Speaking OpportunitiesHere

Sponsorship and Speaking Inquiries: [email protected].

2018 Conference Agenda, Keynotes and 10 Conference Tracks

DXWordEXPO New York 2018 and Cloud Expo New York 2018 agenda present 222 rockstar faculty members, 200 sessions and 22 keynotes and general sessions in 10 distinct conference tracks.

  • Cloud-Native | Serverless
  • DevOpsSummit
  • FinTechEXPO – New York Blockchain Event
  • CloudEXPO – Enterprise Cloud
  • DXWorldEXPO – Digital Transformation (DX)
  • Smart Cities | IoT | IIoT
  • AI | Machine Learning | Cognitive Computing
  • BigData | Analytics
  • The API Enterprise | Mobility | Security
  • Hot Topics | FinTech | WebRTC

Register for Full ConferenceGold Pass” ▸ Here (Expo Hall ▸ Here)

DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO 2018 New York cover all of these tools, with the most comprehensive program and with 222 rockstar speakers throughout our industry presenting 22 Keynotes and General Sessions, 200 Breakout Sessions along 10 Tracks, as well as our signature Power Panels. Our Expo Floor brings together the world’s leading companies throughout the world of Cloud Computing, DevOps, FinTech, Digital Transformation, and all they entail.

As your enterprise creates a vision and strategy that enables you to create your own unique, long-term success, learning about all the technologies involved is essential. Companies today not only form multi-cloud and hybrid cloud architectures, but create them with built-in cognitive capabilities.

Cloud-Native thinking is now the norm in financial services, manufacturing, telco, healthcare, transportation, energy, media, entertainment, retail and other consumer industries, as well as the public sector.

CloudEXPO is the world’s most influential technology event where Cloud Computing was coined over a decade ago and where technology buyers and vendors meet to experience and discuss the big picture of Digital Transformation and all of the strategies, tactics, and tools they need to realize their goals.

FinTech Is Now Part of the DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO Program!

Financial enterprises in New York City, London, Singapore, and other world financial capitals are embracing a new generation of smart, automated FinTech that eliminates many cumbersome, slow, and expensive intermediate processes from their businesses.

Accordingly, attendees at the upcoming 22nd CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO November 11-13, 2018 in New York City will find fresh new content in two new tracks called:

  • FinTechEXPO
  • New York Blockchain Event

which will incorporate FinTech and Blockchain, as well as machine learning, artificial intelligence and deep learning in these two distinct tracks.

Register for Full ConferenceGold Pass” ▸ Here (Expo Hall ▸ Here)

Sponsorship OpportunitiesHere

Speaking OpportunitiesHere

Sponsorship and Speaking Inquiries: [email protected].

FinTech brings efficiency as well as the ability to deliver new services and a much improved customer experience throughout the global financial services industry. FinTech is a natural fit with cloud computing, as new services are quickly developed, deployed, and scaled on public, private, and hybrid clouds.

More than US$20 billion in venture capital is being invested in FinTech this year. DXWorldEXPOCloudEXPO are pleased to bring you the latest FinTech developments as an integral part of our program.

DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO are accepting speaking submissions for this new track, so please visit Cloud Computing Expo for the latest information or contact us at [email protected]

Register for Full ConferenceGold Pass” ▸ Here (Expo Hall ▸ Here)

Sponsorship OpportunitiesHere

Speaking OpportunitiesHere

Sponsorship and Speaking Inquiries: [email protected].

Download Slide Deck ▸ Here

Only DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO bring together all this in a single location:

Attend DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO. Build your own custom experience. Learn about the world’s latest technologies and chart your course to Digital Transformation.

22nd International DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO, taking place November 11-13, 2018, in New York City, will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world.

Register for Full ConferenceGold Pass” ▸ Here (Expo Hall ▸ Here)

Sponsorship OpportunitiesHere

Speaking OpportunitiesHere

Sponsorship and Speaking Inquiries: [email protected].

Download Slide Deck: ▸ Here

Cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. Yesterday’s debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. Meanwhile, 94% of enterprises are using some form of XaaS – software, platform, and infrastructure as a service.

With major technology companies and startups seriously embracing Cloud strategies, now is the perfect time to attend and learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is on the right path to Digital Transformation.

Every Global 2000 enterprise in the world is now integrating cloud computing in some form into its IT development and operations. Midsize and small businesses are also migrating to the cloud in increasing numbers.

Register for Full ConferenceGold Pass” ▸ Here (Expo Hall ▸ Here)

Sponsorship OpportunitiesHere

Speaking OpportunitiesHere

Sponsorship and Speaking Inquiries: [email protected].

Download Slide Deck: ▸ Here

Companies are each developing their unique mix of cloud technologies and services, forming multi-cloud and hybrid cloud architectures and deployments across all major industries. Cloud-driven thinking has become the norm in financial services, manufacturing, telco, healthcare, transportation, energy, media, entertainment, retail and other consumer industries, and the public sector.

Sponsorship Opportunities

DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO are the single show where technology buyers and vendors can meet to experience and discus cloud computing and all that it entails. Sponsors of DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO will benefit from unmatched branding, profile building and lead generation opportunities through:

  • Featured on-site presentation and ongoing on-demand webcast exposure to a captive audience of industry decision-makers.
  • Showcase exhibition during our new extended dedicated expo hours
  • Breakout Session Priority scheduling for Sponsors that have been guaranteed a 35-minute technical session
  • Online advertising on 4,5 million article pages in SYS-CON’s i-Technology Publications
  • Capitalize on our Comprehensive Marketing efforts leading up to the show with print mailings, e-newsletters and extensive online media coverage.
  • Unprecedented PR Coverage: Unmatched editorial coverage on Cloud Computing Journal.
  • Tweetup to over 100,000 plus Twitter followers
  • Press releases sent on major wire services to over 500 industry analysts.

Secrets of Our Most Popular Sponsors and Exhibitors ▸ Here

For more information on sponsorship, exhibit, and keynote opportunities, contact [email protected].

Sponsorship OpportunitiesHere

Download Slide Deck: Here

Speaking Opportunities

The upcoming 22nd International DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO November 11-13, 2018 in New York City, NY announces that its Call For Papers for speaking opportunities is now open.

Secrets of Our Most Popular Faculty Members ▸ Here

Submit your speaking proposal ▸ Here or by email [email protected].

Download Slide Deck: ▸ Here


DXWorldEXPO LLC is a Lighthouse Point, Florida-based trade show company and the creator of DXWorldEXPO – Digital Transformation Conference & Expo. The company produces and presents CloudEXPO, DevOpsSummitFinTechEXPO – Blockchain Event, the world’s most influential conferences and trade shows.

Ed Featherston is VP, Principal Architect at Cloud Technology Partners. He brings 35 years of technology experience in designing, building, and implementing large complex solutions. He has significant expertise in systems integration, Internet/intranet, and cloud technologies. He has delivered projects in various industries, including financial services, pharmacy, government and retail.

@CloudExpo Stories

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delaPlex is a global technology and software development solutions and consulting provider, deeply committed to helping companies drive growth, revenue and marketplace value. Since 2008, delaPlex’s objective has been to be a trusted advisor to its clients. By redefining the outsourcing industry’s business model, the innovative delaPlex Agile Business Framework brings an unmatched alliance of industry experts, across industries and functional skillsets, to clients anywhere around the world.

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Explosive growth in connected devices. Enormous amounts of data for collection and analysis. Critical use of data for split-second decision making and actionable information. All three are factors in making the Internet of Things a reality. Yet, any one factor would have an IT organization pondering its infrastructure strategy. How should your organization enhance its IT framework to enable an Internet of Things implementation? In his session at @ThingsExpo, James Kirkland, Red Hat’s Chief Archi…

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In his keynote at 19th Cloud Expo, Sheng Liang, co-founder and CEO of Rancher Labs, discussed the technological advances and new business opportunities created by the rapid adoption of containers. With the success of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and various open source technologies used to build private clouds, cloud computing has become an essential component of IT strategy. However, users continue to face challenges in implementing clouds, as older technologies evolve and newer ones like Docker c…

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The standardization of container runtimes and images has sparked the creation of an almost overwhelming number of new open source projects that build on and otherwise work with these specifications. Of course, there’s Kubernetes, which orchestrates and manages collections of containers. It was one of the first and best-known examples of projects that make containers truly useful for production use. However, more recently, the container ecosystem has truly exploded. A service mesh like Istio addr…

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By Yeshim Deniz

The standardization of container runtimes and images has sparked the creation of an almost overwhelming number of new open source projects that build on and otherwise work with these specifications. Of course, there’s Kubernetes, which orchestrates and manages collections of containers. It was one of the first and best-known examples of projects that make containers truly useful for production use. However, more recently, the container ecosystem has truly exploded. A service mesh like Istio addr…

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By Liz McMillan

CloudEXPO New York 2018, colocated with DXWorldEXPO New York 2018 will be held November 11-13, 2018, in New York City and will bring together Cloud Computing, FinTech and Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Big Data, Internet of Things, DevOps, AI, Machine Learning and WebRTC to one location.

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In 2014, Amazon announced a new form of compute called Lambda. We didn’t know it at the time, but this represented a fundamental shift in what we expect from cloud computing. Now, all of the major cloud computing vendors want to take part in this disruptive technology. In his session at 20th Cloud Expo, Doug Vanderweide, an instructor at Linux Academy, discussed why major players like AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM Bluemix, and Google Cloud Platform are all trying to sidestep VMs and containers wit…

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By Pat Romanski

CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO are the world’s most influential, independent events where Cloud Computing was coined and where technology buyers and vendors meet to experience and discuss the big picture of Digital Transformation and all of the strategies, tactics, and tools they need to realize their goals. Sponsors of DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO benefit from unmatched branding, profile building and lead generation opportunities.

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“We are a well-established player in the application life cycle management market and we also have a very strong version control product,” stated Flint Brenton, CEO of CollabNet,, in this interview at 18th Cloud Expo at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.

Apr. 5, 2018 05:45 AM EDT  Reads: 7,834

By Yeshim Deniz

Founded in 2000, Chetu Inc. is a global provider of customized software development solutions and IT staff augmentation services for software technology providers. By providing clients with unparalleled niche technology expertise and industry experience, Chetu has become the premiere long-term, back-end software development partner for start-ups, SMBs, and Fortune 500 companies. Chetu is headquartered in Plantation, Florida, with thirteen offices throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Apr. 5, 2018 05:00 AM EDT  Reads: 1,598

By Liz McMillan

New competitors, disruptive technologies, and growing expectations are pushing every business to both adopt and deliver new digital services. This ‘Digital Transformation’ demands rapid delivery and continuous iteration of new competitive services via multiple channels, which in turn demands new service delivery techniques – including DevOps. In this power panel at @DevOpsSummit 20th Cloud Expo, moderated by DevOps Conference Co-Chair Andi Mann, panelists examined how DevOps helps to meet the de…

Apr. 5, 2018 04:00 AM EDT  Reads: 5,911


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