ICO Holder Named @ExpoDX Media Sponsor | @ICOHolder #FinTech #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Ethereum

Original Source    2018-04-14 12:04

DXWorldEXPO LLC announced today that ICOHOLDER named “Media Sponsor” of Miami Blockchain Event by FinTechEXPO. ICOHOLDER gives detailed information and help the community to invest in the trusty projects.

Miami Blockchain Event by FinTechEXPO has opened its Call for Papers. The two-day event will present 20 top Blockchain experts. All speaking inquiries which covers the following information can be submitted by email to [email protected]Miami Blockchain Event by FinTechEXPOalso offers sponsorship and exhibit opportunities.

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Financial enterprises in New York City, London, Singapore, and other world financial capitals are embracing a new generation of smart, automated FinTech that eliminates many cumbersome, slow, and expensive intermediate processes from their businesses.

FinTech brings efficiency as well as the ability to deliver new services and a much improved customer experience throughout the global financial services industry. FinTech is a natural fit with cloud computing, as new services are quickly developed, deployed, and scaled on public, private, and hybrid clouds.

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Andrew Keys is Co-Founder of ConsenSys Enterprise. He comes to ConsenSys Enterprise with capital markets, technology and entrepreneurial experience. Previously, he worked for UBS investment bank in equities analysis. Later, he was responsible for the creation and distribution of life settlement products to hedge funds and investment banks. After, he co-founded a revenue cycle management company where he learned about Bitcoin and eventually Ethereal. (more…)

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René Bostic is the Technical VP of the IBM Cloud Unit in North America. Enjoying her career with IBM during the modern millennial technological era, she is an expert in cloud computing, DevOps and emerging cloud technologies such as Blockchain. Her strengths and core competencies include a proven record of accomplishments in consensus building at all levels to assess, plan, and implement enterprise and cloud computing solutions. (more…)

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Blockchain – A Bridge for the Masses

In a environment where increased digitalization is driving new business models, creating more efficiencies in existing ones and cost-savings across sectors, blockchain is finally becoming mainstream. To fully reach its potential though we must embrace even more security and scalable infrastructure solutions to allow blockchain access be as easy as opening up a website – with the security it needs 24/7 and without fear of latency. (more…)

Blockchain and Decentralization: Securing IoT

Product connectivity goes hand and hand these days with increased use of personal data. New IoT devices are becoming more personalized than ever before. (more…)

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Nicolas Fierro is CEO of MIMIR Blockchain Solutions. He is a programmer, technologist, and operations dev who has worked with Ethereum and blockchain since 2014. His knowledge in blockchain dates to when he performed dev ops services to the Ethereum Foundation as one the privileged few developers to work with the original core team in Switzerland. (more…)

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Why Is the Healthcare Industry Abuzz About Blockchain?

Blockchain. A day doesn’t seem to go by without seeing articles and discussions about the technology. According to PwC executive Seamus Cushley, approximately $1.4B has been invested in blockchain just last year. In Gartner’s recent hype cycle for emerging technologies, blockchain is approaching the peak. It is considered by Gartner as one of the ‘Key platform-enabling technologies to track.’ While there is a lot of ‘hype vs reality’ discussions going on, there is no arguing that blockchain is being taken very seriously across industries and cannot be ignored. (more…)

Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, and Nanocrime

James Carlini – Bitcoins are a digital cryptocurrency and have been around since 2009. As a substitute for legal tender, they are becoming a rage for investors and others but because there is no government agency auditing or performing regulatory oversights, you wonder if it is the perfect breeding ground for electronic nanocrime?

Since the introduction of the Bitcoin, some competitors have emerged and the whole segment of cryptocurrencies are defined as Altcoins. Altcoins include: Dogecoin, Ethereum, Feathercoin, Litecoin, Monero, Novacoin, Peercoin, and Zetacoin. Some of these cryptocurrencies are considered improvements on the original Bitcoin algorithm structure, and they are gaining some traction as well.

Some financial experts and analysts, including Warren Buffett and Ben Stein, are leery of the overall cryptocurrency market. Is it because it doesn’t fit into their more traditional due diligence framework when reviewing investments? Or, is it something that they realize needs a whole new set of analytic and regulatory tools that are currently not available? (more…)

Blockchain Is Changing the Retail Industry

Nate Vickery – Blockchain offers impeccable security with its cryptography-based decentralized system as well as the plethora of possible uses retailers could exploit in the near future.

In a world of increasing cyberattacks, internet fraud and online hacking, blockchain comes as a breath of fresh air. With its encrypted data and decentralized network system, it’s a thorn in every hacker’s side. Generally being associated with the finance sector, blockchain is now taking retail by storm. It’s on a course that will change the retail industry as we know it. But how exactly is it going to achieve such a feat?

First of all, what is blockchain? Well, blockchain is a digital ledger which stores its data in the form of interlinked blocks. Each block contains a timestamp of its transaction along with the transaction data. The links between the blocks are secured by using encryption, which prevents data modification of any kind. And once the data is in, it cannot be deleted, unless every previous block (to the one being modified) is deleted along with it. Moreover, it uses a decentralized network system for distributing its data, which means it cannot be remotely accessed, or hacked, from any central point. In short, blockchain is perfect transaction tool. (more…)

Bitcoin Growth and Blockchain Disruption

Simon Dixon – BnkToTheFuture.com is the largest online investment platform for investing in FinTech, Bitcoin and Blockchain companies. We believe the future of finance looks very different from the past and we aim to invest and provide trading opportunities for qualifying investors that want to build a portfolio in the sector in compliance with international financial regulations. We are here to support the growth and disruption being built around Bitcoin and Blockchain as it takes more and more market share from traditional finance and banks. The next phase of our business is to take our traditional equity investments and put them on the Blockchain for added transparency and liquidity in compliance with international securities law.  (more…)

Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence – the FinTech Trends to Watch

Valeriia Timokhina – FinTech is a lucrative, yet quite saturated market. In order to stay competitive, businesses should keep track of the emerging trends and be able to capitalize on them before their competitors do.

Artificial Intelligence is currently among the most promising FinTech trends. Leading financial brands such as Capital One, MasterCard, as well as hundreds of startups have set the pace for the adoption of virtual financial advisors. If you want to stay ahead of your competition or simply explore the opportunities for AI in fintech, this article is for you.

Here is a brief overview of the existing AI-powered personal finance apps as well as some useful tips on how to develop one. (more…)

Privacy and Security on Blockchains

Rostylav Demush – Decentralization of everything, the great new idea of which the web can’t stop babbling, might still seem a bit utopian if you inspect it closely.

Yes, blockchains are likely to reshape our economy, or a huge part of it, and benefit considerably those who are currently unbanked.

They might also facilitate the creation of rating/reputation systems that are not controlled by any single entity and thus allow people (say Uber drivers who’d like to work for Lyft) to switch employers without having to establish their credibility anew.

They might give users complete control over their assets; protect them, to a degree, from being robbed and provide tools to sustain privacy even when a state-level actor – a bank or a government – is after their identity.

But before these things start to happen the issues of privacy and security, which are currently pressing on blockchains, must be dealt with. (more…)

Blockchain Business Innovation

Kevin Jackson – Is There More Than Bitcoin to Blockchain? Absolutely, because today’s blockchain is opening up a pathtowards the delivery of trusted online services.

To understand this statement, you need to see blockchain as more that it’s more famous bitcoin use case. As a fundamental digital tool, blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger for recording the history of transactions. If used in this fashion, it can enable transactional applications that can have embedded trust, accountability and transparency attributes. Instead of having a Bitcoin blockchain that is reliant on the exchange of cryptocurrencies with anonymous users on a public network, a Business blockchain can provide a permissioned network with known and verified identities. With this kind of transactional visibility, all activities within that network are observable and auditable by every network user. This end-to-end visibility, also known as shared ledgering, can also be linked to business rules and business logic that can drive and enforce trust, openness and integrity across that business network.  Application built, managed and supported through such an environment can now hold a verifiable pedigree with security built right in that can. (more…)

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DXWorldEXPO LLC is a Lighthouse Point, Florida-based trade show company and the creator of DXWorldEXPO – Digital Transformation Conference & Expo. The company produces and presents CloudEXPO, DevOpsSummitFinTechEXPO – Blockchain Event, the world’s most influential conferences and trade shows.

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