MapleChange Bitcoin Exchange Hacked: Team suspected of exit scam | VOP TODAY NEWS

   2018-10-30 23:10

File Reuters

UNITED STATES (VOP TODAY NEWS) – On October 28, unknown people broke into a small Canadian cryptobirth MapleChange. As reported by the site team on Twitter, all funds were withdrawn from the accounts.

At the same time, a few hours after the hacking, the accounts of the exchange in social networks were turned off.

“Because of the bug, unknown persons were able to withdraw all funds from our exchange. Now we are investigating this situation. We are extremely sorry that it happened. We will not be able to recover anything until the end of the investigation, ”one of the site’s first tweets said.

The affected investors joined the investigation into the incident, calling themselves Maple Changed. They managed to establish the identity of the CEO of the exchange, a technical specialist of American Piledriving Equipment named Glad Poenar.

After disclosing this information, the MapleChange account on Twitter started working again.

“Guys, we have not disappeared. We just temporarily disabled accounts to think about a solution. We cannot compensate the losses of all users, but we will open wallets with what remains so that people can (hopefully) withdraw their funds, ”the team wrote.

The amount of damage is still unknown, but members of Maple Changed stated that some of the funds remained on their wallets. The company itself confirmed that it could not recover funds in Bitcoins and Litecoin, but promised to transfer the remaining assets to Conceal (CCX) and Lumeneo (LMO), two cryptocurrencies that accounted for most of the trading volume of MapleChange, to developers.

The MapleChange site is still unavailable. Due to the fact that the page with users’ complaints on the Discord-server was not available, and also because very little time elapsed between the announcement of the “bug” and the complete disappearance of the company’s pages on social networks, the experts suspect that is, the deliberate theft of funds by the founders of the exchange under the guise of a hacker attack.

Representatives of the exchange has not yet responded to this statement. ForkLog will continue to monitor the situation.

Recall that in September the Japanese stock exchange Zaif was hacked, hackers stole $ 60 million from a hot wallet . A month later, Zaif Tech Bureau Corp., a cryptographic operator. transferred the business to the investment company Fisco, which pledged to pay compensation to customers of the platform.

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