Litecoin Cash Price Hits $0.0079 on Major Exchanges (LCC)

   2021-04-19 11:04

Litecoin Cash (CURRENCY:LCC) traded 16.1% higher against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 7:00 AM Eastern on April 19th. Litecoin Cash has a market cap of $5.72 million and approximately $2,765.00 worth of Litecoin Cash was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. One Litecoin Cash coin can now be bought for approximately $0.0079 or 0.00000014 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges. Over the last week, Litecoin Cash has traded 24.3% lower against the US dollar.

Here’s how other cryptocurrencies have performed over the last 24 hours:

  • XinFin Network (XDC) traded up 14% against the dollar and now trades at $0.11 or 0.00000188 BTC.
  • Mixin (XIN) traded 5.2% higher against the dollar and now trades at $733.47 or 0.01287548 BTC.
  • Fusion (FSN) traded 4.4% higher against the dollar and now trades at $1.43 or 0.00002522 BTC.
  • RSK Smart Bitcoin (RBTC) traded down 0.3% against the dollar and now trades at $53,786.14 or 0.95139600 BTC.
  • Measurable Data Token (MDT) traded up 3.4% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0714 or 0.00000126 BTC.
  • Safe Haven (SHA) traded 20% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0127 or 0.00000022 BTC.
  • Bitcoin Atom (BCA) traded 4.7% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.39 or 0.00000682 BTC.
  • Bean Cash (BITB) traded down 39.8% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0004 or 0.00000001 BTC.
  • Sakura Bloom (SKB) traded down 12.7% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0004 or 0.00000001 BTC.
  • TigerCash (TCH) traded 7.6% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.0199 or 0.00000035 BTC.

About Litecoin Cash

Litecoin Cash is a PoW + Hive coin that uses the SHA256 hashing algorithm. Litecoin Cash’s total supply is 719,838,200 coins. The Reddit community for Litecoin Cash is /r/LCCofficial and the currency’s Github account can be viewed here. Litecoin Cash’s official Twitter account is @LitecoinFork and its Facebook page is accessible here. Litecoin Cash’s official website is

According to CryptoCompare, “Litecoin Cash was forked from Litecoin on 18 Feb 2018 at block 1371111, with a 10:1 Claim Ratio. For every 1 LTC held at the fork block, LTC holders could claim 10 LCC. After the fork block, Litecoin Cash switched to SHA256 proof-of-work hashes. This enables a new use for previously obsolete Bitcoin mining hardware.It’s also the world’s first blockchain to utilize HiveMine. The Hive, agent-based mining system, requires no specialised hardware.It’s centered around the concept of worker bees, which can be created by any LCC holder, who then becomes a beekeeper. Once mature, worker bees have a finite lifespan during which they live inside the blockchain and help to secure it by minting blocks. Beekeepers will earn rewards whenever one of their bees mints a block. “

Litecoin Cash Coin Trading

It is usually not currently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin Cash directly using US dollars. Investors seeking to trade Litecoin Cash should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as Changelly, GDAX or Gemini. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase Litecoin Cash using one of the exchanges listed above.

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